Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Independent Blog Post: December

Post-Surgery: 1st Month
 On December 19th I had my ACL(anterior cruciate ligament) reconstruction surgery.  It took about 3 hours and since it was an outpatient surgery I could leave a couple hours after.  The procedure that I decided to undergo was Right Knee ACL Reconstruction Auto-graft, meaning that a tendon would be taken from my leg to secure the new ligament.  Before the surgery the doctors gave me general anesthesia by mask, and after they gave me a nerve blocking shot that would block the nerves in my leg so that I wouldn't feel the pain from the surgery.

The doctor told me that I would be in a cast for 1 month give or take depending on the swelling of the knee and the progress of getting my flexibility back.  For the 1st week post-surgery I could not move at all.  There were several exercises that were given to me by the doctor, they would help me get me some flexibility in my knee.  It was very painful for the first week, mainly due to the swelling of the leg.  After the first week we went to the doctor and he checked how my knee was and clarified some of the pains that I was having particularly the one in my shin.  My knee was fine and he told that the shin pains were totally normal because while they were taking the tendon from my leg, they had shave part of the bone off to get it.  In total my leg will take approximately two months so that i can walk around. I am still in the recovery process so wish me good luck.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Blog 9: EQ


1.I reviewed the rule of three for writing an EQ

2. a.What is the most important factor in healthy weight loss?
No it doesn't meet the 3 rules of criteria because it is very vague and the answers can widely vary.  

b. What is most important to securing a conviction in a criminal investigation?
It meets the 3 rules of criteria because you can clearly take a certain stance, it clearly states its intention and it will require a depth of research of different topics. 

c.What is most important in creating a hairstyle that best satisfies a customer?
It doesn't meet the 3 rules of criteria because it is very vague.  It doesn't specify the type of customer or the gender, because male and female customers will want different things from a haircut.

d.How can an Anesthesiologist best treat chronic pain?
It meets the 3 rules of criteria because it is specific and allows a person to do lots of research on the topic.

3. Based on your review of the rule of 3 and your experience with assessing four EQs, please write another draft EQ for your senior project.

What is the most effective way for a physical therapist to treat an ACL tear.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Independent Blog Post (October)

 For the past couple of weeks I have been going to Physical Therapy to prepare my knee for the surgery that is coming up, December 19.  The first thing that they did was to measure the flexion and extension of my injured knee, and compared it to my normal knee.  The reason that they do this is to see how bad the injury is and how many degrees I need to get my injured knee to normal.  We started with about 10 minutes of bicycling to warm up the knee, it was then followed up by wall squats and lunges and step ups.  For some reason the exercises made my leg really tired.  There has been a lot of improvement overall of my injured knee, and is almost the same as my regular knee.  I have one more prehab session and I am going to meet with my doctor before the surgery date.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Blog 8:Research and Working EQ

1.My working EQ is "What is the most effective way to treat an ACL tear.

2. EQ: What is the most effective way to treat an ACL tear?

-follow physical therapists who have patients that are currently recovering from an ACL tear.
-Research the process that patients go through before going through ACL reconstruction and post surgery rehabilitation.

3.  For now the most important source has been all the research I have done about ACL reconstruction, rehab, and preparation.  However I will start working soon with a physical therapist and learn first hand the process that one must go through to treat such an injury.

4.  I am currently volunteering in the physical therapy department of Kaiser Permanente.  I have multiple people that I follow, but I am going to be able to work one on one with a physical therapy about ACL tears.  It directly correlates with my working EQ because I will experience the process of the treatment first hand.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Blog 7 Independent Component 1 (approval)

Independent Component

1.  For my 30 hours of independent component 1 I plan to learn about the pre-surgery rehabilitation of an acl tear.
2. Since I have a torn ACL I get to experience first hand the routine of those who prepare their bodies before going into surgery.  Also the hospital where I volunteer is also the place where I am currently going to get healed.
3.  I will be doing my own personal research, and I will ask my physical therapist more info about it.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Independent Blog (September)

The Tear in my Knee

On September 25, 2013 I got injured while doing taekwondo.  As I was doing a flying kick I landed incorrectly on my right leg and the the bone popped in and out.  I couldn't put any weight on my right leg so I knew this was a pretty serious injury. There is actually a long process for identifying an injury.  First I had to go to Urgent Care where they checked  my injury.  They then sent me to get an X-Ray of both of my knees to compare the good knee with the bad one.  After I went back to Urgent Care where they brought an Sports Doctor.  He did a quick test called the Lachman Test to see what sort of injury I had.  He told me that I had a tear on one of the ligaments in my knees.  The next day I went to Orthopedics so that I could find out where I had the tear and how severe it was.  The doctor told me that it was a 90% chance that I had a tear in my ACL that was 5-7mm deep.  It came as quite a shock to me, he told me that I wouldn't be able to do any sports for the next 8 months at the very least.  I am currently doing my best to strengthen my knee as much as possible before the surgery that is scheduled in December, however I hope that I will be able to do it sooner.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Blog 6: Second Interview Questions

1. Who is your mentor and where do they work?
 My main mentor is Joel who works at Kaiser Permanente, but there are also many other physical therapists that I help out at the mentor ship place.  There are also many other volunteers at Kaiser and the Physical Therapy Department.

2. What five questions will you ask them about their background

1. How long did it take for you to get to the position that you are in?
2. What are some challenges that you face as a Physical Therapist?
3. What other fields can Physical Therapists go into?
4. What are the negatives of this job, if there are any?
5. What is the burnout rate of this job?

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Blog 5 Project Reflection and Working EQ

The Pentagon:
1.  A positive thing that has happened is that I have become more familiar with the work that Physical Therapists do.  I have become more familiar with the work atmosphere and the work ethic that you need.
I have a concrete plan of what I need to do when I get into college, so that will save me a lot of time.

EQ content
2. Through my interview I have learned the kind of attitude that you need to come with when you are helping others.  I learned my interviewee's personal experiences and the education that is necessary to become a physical therapist.  The most important qualities that a Physical Therapist can have is patience and the desire to learn more, because every year new types of treatments come up.

3.  So far what has worked out for me in the Senior Project is that I do my mentor ship in a hospital, so I get to see many physical therapists actually working.  I also have a large amount of Physical Therapists to whom I can ask questions or get help from.

4. So far everything has been smooth except for managing the times that I go to my mentor ship.  It is mainly because of SAT and basketball, so I think that I will have more time after the month of October.

Finding Value
5.  A potential question that I might like to study this year is
What is the quickest and most efficient way of helping a patient?
 For my mentor ship I am currently at Kaiser Permanente, but I am looking for another possible mentor more preferably in a sports team of some sort.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Blog 4: Interview Preparation

1.  For my first Interview I plan to interview a physical therapist named Joel at my mentorship.  I plan to interview him because he is the person who first showed me around the physical therapy area and has a large amount of experience at being interviewed by students.

2.  These are some other questions that I plan to ask him.

    1. How did you enter this profession? 
    2. Would you encourage people to prepare for and enter this career in the future? 
    3.What are the most satisfying aspects of this profession? 
    4.What suggestions do you have for people entering this profession? 
    5.What is the educational background required? 

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Blog 3 Choice and Semester 1 ESLR Goals

1. My topic for Senior Project is Physical Therapy.

2. Effective Learner- Usually in class I don't really participate a lot and talk to my friends. I think that doing that directly affected the outcome of my grades.  So I want to be more attentive in class and participate actively.

Effective Communicator- The past few years at I-Poly has helped me to become an efficient speaker.  However the problem that I have is presenting in front of a large group of people.  I hope to be able to become a more confident speaker and be better at preparing for presentations.  Also in groups I have a tendency to let people do what they want to do without really contributing, so I want to be able to get better at sharing my ideas with my group members.

Effective User of Technology-  To be an effective user of technology I will use the internet to help me with finding information on my topic.  I will also use it to help me with my core classes so that i can better understand whatever that I learn.

Effective I-Poly Citizen-  During my I-Poly experience I have never been really active in much of the activities.  But this year I want to make memories of this school and hope to become involved in senior activities and such.  Also last year I was always late to class at least once a day, so this year I wish to be able to come on time to class.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Summer Mentorship Component

Q.1 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wLzmjpWrLmpSE_XgaiH91d3J9wgzRQ0E_uP3BHWq2RQ/edit

Kaiser Permanente Volunteer Services
1011 Baldwin Park Blvd.
Baldwin Park, CA 91706
Phone # :(626)851-6745
Mrs. Boulware

Q.3  Some Questions that I thought of were...

1.  What is the most efficient way of helping a patient recover?
2.   Do different injuries call for different types of treatments?
3.  How long does an average treatment last for?
4.  Besides doing exercises with patients what else does a PT do?

Q.4  The most important thing that I gained from this experience was seeing Physical Therapists doing their work  right in front of me.  Before i had only read online what physical therapists do, now that i see them doing their jobs it became more interesting to me and that they have a very high pace job.

Q.5 I always wanted to go into the medical field, but i wasn't exactly sure which field i wanted to go into.  I didn't want to go into a field where there was a lot of blood, but i still wanted to work with the body.  So I looked into different types of therapy and found that it really matched with me.  I took the chance to volunteer at Kaiser Permanente and luckily got into the department that i wanted, which was physical therapy.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Blog #1

Blog 1: 2013 2-Hour Presentation Reflections


  • Wight Loss by Natalie
  • Woodworking by Sebastian 
  • Interior Design by Natalie
  • Loscksmithing by Antonio
  • Child Life Specialist by Alicia
  • Clinical Social Work Therapy by Brittany 
  • Healthy Mexican Food by Manuel
  • Video Game Journalism by Christopher 
  • Running a Skate shop by Eric 
  • Political Campaigns by Angel 
  • Animal Control by Cherokee
  • Physical Fitness by Jocelyn 
  • Anesthesiology by Zhaliah 
  • Q2. I don't have any questions about the senior project, it was pretty much all covered over the two weeks.

    Q3.  The most important part of the senior project based on what I saw was being organized and knowing exactly what you're going to say.  What I mean by organized is timing out your presentation well and the order in which you say your information.  Knowing what you're going to say makes you seem prepared and that shows your confidence and preparedness.

    Q4.  I have been thinking about doing physical therapy as my topic because I have always wanted to go into the medical field and I also like to work with my body.  Physical Therapy has both, and the pay is also good.